martes, 18 de junio de 2013

This school year in the subject of "proyecto integrado" I've learnt how to use blogger and how to do a virtual magazine.
This third evaluation I´m going to talk in the magazine about the theatre, "Vaya  par", and the subject of economy. I hope you enjoy my work.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

In this third evaluation I´ve done three articles for the magazine Option B. The first is an interview to Carolina, our economy´s teacher, the second is about a thatre that we have done for E.F, and the last article that I have done is "vaya par".

what was achieved in this course

in this course I managed to learn how to use a blog and internet Handle best to find the information needed for this course projects

3 evaluation

In this third evaluation we have interviewed to Carolina, our economy´s teacher.

third evaluation

in this third evaluation my group and I have made ​​a survey of  two members of the class. I along with other colleagues have made ​​a masterpiece encuenta the economy and our opinion on the charity race.

martes, 29 de enero de 2013

First term project.

During the first term we were working on a travel to Australia. We did a powerpoint presentation and this was the final result

martes, 15 de enero de 2013

Second evaluation.

Hello! In this evaluation we are going to talk about general themes of Campo de Gibraltar. We will talk about the history, important places, famous people and manners.